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Feb 13, 2015

Sheet Metal Shop

sheet metal manufacturing workshop banner where metals are used to make suitable for other purposes

Sheet metal work is regarded as working of thin metallic sheets with hand tools and simple machines. It is necessary to know the construction and working of hand tools and machines used for sheet metal working. It is very important to know that for efficiently working in sheet metal one should have thorough knowledge of projective geometry i.e. development of surfaces and the properties of metals. Since, the layout of the sheet for the sheet metal work depends upon above.

Many important engineering articles made up of sheet metal find their application in houses, agriculture, machinery, decorative articles etc.


Mild steel sheets: 

mild steel sheet as types of sheet metals used in manufacturing workshop

It is known as black iron sheet susceptible to rust and corrosion due to un-coating, protected by painting and is mostly used for water tanks, fabrication works, agricultural implements.

Stainless steel sheets: 

stainless steel sheets types of sheet metals used in manufacturing workshop

It has silver chrome appearance. It is an alloy of high grade steel with chromium, nickel and traces of manganese, phosphorous etc. It can be easily welded. It is used in canneries, dairies, food processing plants.

Galvanized iron (GI) steels: 

galvanized steel sheets types of sheet metals used in manufacturing workshop

It is soft steel sheet coated with zinc. Sheets have corrosion resistance  due to zinc coating. Welding is not easy. These are used for making AC ducts, roof flashing, boxes, buckets, coolers etc.

Tin plate: 

tin steel sheets types of sheet metals used in manufacturing workshop

Steel or iron coated with tin is called tin steel. It is used for making food containers, dairy furnace, furnace fitting. These are now replaced by stainless steels, aluminium  and other materials.

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