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Feb 13, 2015

Wood working Processes

wood working process in carpentry workshop

marking and measuring process in capentry

Marking and measuring:

Before starting any process first of all the job is measured by various measuring tools and then it is marked properly. This helps in avoiding frequent measurements on the job while processing. Care must be taken to measure the dimension accurately by the instruments as per the drawing. Initially the marking is done then after planning again the marking is done.

sawing operation in carpentry process


It is done for cutting the raw material for a given size and removing the extra material. Selection of the type of saw is decided by type of operation to be performed on the job. Cutting should be started from the tip of the saw and followed by the entire length of the saw.

planning process in carpentry


This operation is performed on the wood to smooth the surface of the wood. Initially a jack plane is applied followed by trying plane for smoothing and finishing. Selection of the rest of the plane is made base on specific operation.

mortising and tennoning operation in carpentry process

Mortising and tenoning:

Mortise is in the form of a cavity that forms the female part and the tenon the projection on the other part that is a male part and both of them are fitted to form the mortise and tenon joint. For producing the tenon part the tenon saw is used and for the mortise the firmer and the mortise chisel is used.

boring process in capentry


This is an operation of producing circular holes in the wooden work piece. First the center of the hole is located and then the hole is drilled by the bits for desired size and depth.

molding operation in carpentry process


This process is used for producing the wooden items that are used for decoration and that is done by special plane called as molding plane.

tongueing and grooving operation in carpentry process

Tonguing and grooving:

In case when the desired planks are very wide for examples specially while making the tables and the enclosure. The commercial planks are taken and they are joined by this joint in order to get the desired width.

rebating operation in carpentry process


This process is  used for producing a step along the edge of a plank, either longitudinal or cross.


To connect together the different parts of wood in a proper manner is known as joining. And the shape formed is known as a joint. Types of joints are:
lengthening joint in carpentry

Lengthening joints

widening joint in carpentry

Widening joints

framing joint in carpentry

Framing joints

box joint in carpentry

Box joints

circular joint in carpentry

Circular joints

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